Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Springtime On The Farm

Took lots of photos on the long weekend of May (18-21st) at the family's farm in Springfield, NB.

Gracie, my smiling girl in the dandelions! 

NOTE: This would be her last time running free in the fields at the farm, she left this world a week later (May26).  Her little heart gave out on her as we were getting ready to go for our morning walk she passed away in my arms very shortly afterwards.  She now rests easy in the fields she loved to roam. I had no way of knowing that this would be the last picture I would take of my sweet little Gracie.

She came into my life almost four years ago to the day, and she stole my heart completely from the moment I laid eyes on her. She was the sweetest, most affectionate dog I have ever known, and Bailey and I miss her desperately. Bailey has not been the same dog since it happened, and that breaks my heart more than anything. I hope that she will come around or we may have to get another puppy dog sooner rather than later.

Because I rescued Gracie we were never really sure of her exact age, but I always prayed that I would be able to give her as many good years as she had bad ones starting out. I think we just about made it.

 Bailey sitting in the dandelions watching the birds fly by...

I never tire of the view from my Mom's kitchen window at the farm... 

This old fence has been around for a long time, echoes of what use to be

Rest in peace my sweet girl, you loved me well and I adored you in return, you filled my heart with your gentle presence. 

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